Working together in Excel Online
R.K.J. ter Laan
We would like to work on DataSnipper Excel files in Excel Online. We want the DataSnipper viewer, all references to the PDF files, and all snipping functionality to work the same as in our offline environment.
We want to be able to simultaniously work on the documentation of our client with multiple team members, or with our client.
We want to share the Excel files via a link in Teams or via our internal shared drive, and people with access to that link should be able to View all snips made (Clients).
If they have an active license installed on their laptop, they should also be able to snip actively.
A final wish is for us to share DataSnipper Excel Online files in which our clients can also snip documentation. Only from the Excel online file that we have shared, for which they would not need an active license.
That would really make a difference in the DataSnipper experience for both our auditors and our clients.
Kai Bakker ⚡
Youssef Hounat
Nice suggestion! We are looking into how we support the excel online platform going forward, if you had to rank the use cases here, is it more important for you to be able to collaborate with your team through excel online? or would you rank the client collaboration higher?
R.K.J. ter Laan
Youssef Hounat: Hi Youssef, I think the team collaboration for actual working is important but maybe that is more easily solved through shared drives and collaboration in the desktop apps themselves. However that is definitely a business case as well.
The work with our clients is currently less efficient, so we think that collaboration with our clients in Excel Online might be more relevant for current development. At least that is what I hear from auditors in NL.
Youssef Hounat
R.K.J. ter Laan: Thanks for clarifying, just to understand the client collaboration point a little more are there any specific tools you are using to work with your client or do you generally just send excel files over emails with comments, or get on a teams call and share screens?
R.K.J. ter Laan
Youssef Hounat: We share via Mail, and do Teams calls most of the time. I think it would really help reducing e-mails if we could work on shared drives via Excel online, and work together with our clients in documents while we are on calls for example. If they would be able to also see DataSnipper details (snips and so on), that would make all the difference.
For me it is not a priority for clients to also be able to snip btw, a view-only functionality would already be an amazing achievement.